You mourn for the me which I am not
The me which has been and is no more
An entity which has ceased function, feeling, living
The ancient self of chains and boundaries.
I rejoice in the me of the now
No sadness for the past or wishing for the future
Of living in a world that has withered and vanished
No mourning for an outdated, different version of me.
I endure and thrive in the present moment
The me of the current hour, my creative soul's birthright
Oh sweet energy! Conceive a being of your own, spring forth!
In the force of eclectic, effervescent chaos.
Am I conditional and do I exist in suffering?
Still trapped in the prisons of the minds of man?
Existing in a fantastical non existence,
Or frozen in a berg of sterility, safely housed in past memory?
I have broken these chains and escaped my dungeon
My life is mine to live basking in the glory of my mind
Freedom beckons through the golden bastion over horizons unending
The moonbeams of my current consciousness, my existence.
Collectively housed, past and present
My existences battle to survive
Frozen time in consciousness' unending
Unyielding to my new, current vision
Forever battling an epic war eternal in the minds of mankind.

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